
Best 115+ Integrity Riddles with Answer

Riddles are not just a fun way to pass the time, but they also stimulate your mind and challenge your problem-solving abilities.

If you’re looking for a collection of intriguing and thought-provoking riddles that test your integrity and wit, you’ve come to the right place!

This list of 117 Integrity Riddles will get you thinking, reflecting, and perhaps even pondering deeper truths about life itself.

Whether you’re a puzzle enthusiast or simply in the mood for some intellectual fun, these riddles will engage and entertain you.

Integrity Riddles

1. The Honest Man

A man walks into a store and buys a watch for $100. He pays with a $100 bill, but the cashier accidentally gives him $50 in change. The man leaves the store with his watch and the $50. The cashier realizes the mistake and calls the man back, but he can’t find him. Did the man steal from the store?

No. The man paid the full amount for the watch. The mistake was on the cashier’s part, and the man didn’t intentionally steal anything.

2. The Broken Clock

A clock is broken and only shows the time twice a day. What time is it?

Any time that appears twice a day on the clock, like 12:00, 6:00, etc. The clock shows those moments twice in a 24-hour period.

3. The Unseen Truth

I tell the truth even when I lie. What am I?

A paradox. This riddle plays on the idea of truth and lies being intertwined.

4. The Weight of Integrity

What weighs nothing but can be a burden to carry, yet is invisible to the eye?

A secret. It carries weight emotionally, even though it is intangible.

5. The Silent Messenger

I can speak without a voice, yet I communicate truth. What am I?

A written word or a letter. Even without sound, written words hold the power to convey messages.

6. The Honest Thief

A thief steals something, but when caught, he admits to the crime. Why did he confess?

Because he values integrity more than avoiding punishment. He decided to tell the truth.

7. The Reflection Puzzle

If you look into a mirror, what do you see that reflects the truth?

Yourself. A mirror shows your true image, no matter how much you may wish otherwise.

8. The Missing Key

You have a key but no lock, a map but no destination. What do you need to complete the journey?

Integrity. You need honesty and purpose to unlock the path forward.

9. The Deceptive Shadows

What can be seen in the dark but vanishes in the light?

A lie. Lies are often hidden in darkness and exposed when the truth comes to light.

10. The Honest Scales

I am used to weigh things fairly. I never lie, but I can be manipulated. What am I?

A scale. A scale is meant to provide the truth but can be altered if someone tries to cheat.

11. The Two Paths

You are standing at a crossroads. One path leads to honesty, and the other leads to deceit. How do you know which way to go?

Follow your integrity. Listen to your inner truth and not the persuasive lies around you.

12. The Hidden Message

I hide in plain sight but only reveal myself to those with integrity. What am I?

A hidden message or a truth. You can only recognize it if you’re honest with yourself.

13. The Talking Mirror

What can you look into for advice, yet it never talks?

A mirror. It reflects the truth about you, but never gives verbal advice.

14. The Puzzle of Time

A man travels back in time and meets his younger self. What does he say to him to remain honest?

He would tell him the truth, even though it may change the course of history. Integrity demands honesty, no matter the cost.

15. The Illusion of Choice

You are given two doors: one leads to truth and the other to a lie. A guard stands by each door, but one always lies and the other tells the truth. You can ask one question to find the truthful door. What do you ask?

You ask one guard, “If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to truth, which one would they point to?” No matter which guard you ask, they will point to the wrong door, so you should choose the opposite.

16. The Power of Silence

Silence can be golden, but when spoken, it may cause damage. What is it?

A secret. Sometimes the best course of action is to keep quiet, but revealing it can cause harm.

17. The Paradoxical Path

I tell you a lie, and in telling you that lie, I speak the truth. What am I doing?

Creating a paradox. It’s a self-contradictory situation that challenges the notion of truth and lies.

18. The Broken Promise

You made a promise but couldn’t keep it. What’s the consequence of this broken promise?

The loss of trust. Integrity is built on keeping promises and maintaining your word.

19. The Puzzle of Two Truths

Two people stand before you. One always tells the truth, and the other always lies. You don’t know which is which. What question can you ask to identify the truth-teller?

Ask one of them, “If I were to ask the other person which one of you is the truth-teller, what would they say?” Then, choose the opposite.

20. The Honest Words

What can be spoken but not heard, seen but not touched?

A truth. You can share it with others, but it’s not something you can physically hold or touch.

21. The Mystery of Integrity

I can be broken but never touched. I am the foundation of trust but also the hardest to repair. What am I?

Integrity. Once broken, it is difficult to rebuild, but it is essential to trust and relationships.

22. The Eternal Flame

A flame burns but never goes out. What is it?

Honesty. Once you embrace the truth, it will continue to burn brightly within you, no matter the circumstances.

23. The Invisible Liar

I hide in shadows, speak with a forked tongue, and twist the truth. What am I?

A lie. It can often be hidden and deceptive, masking the truth with confusion.

24. The Wise Answer

A child asks you a difficult question, and you don’t know the answer. What do you do?

Admit the truth. Integrity means acknowledging when you don’t know something rather than pretending to have the answer.

25. The Honest Leader

A leader stands in front of his people. He speaks truthfully, even when the truth is hard. What does this show?

Courage and integrity. A true leader values honesty above all else, even when faced with tough challenges.

Riddle 1: The Honest Merchant

Riddle: A merchant sold you a product for $100, claiming it was worth $200. You find out later that the product was indeed worth $200. How much did the merchant deceive you?

Answer: The merchant did not deceive you. The product was worth $200, and the price was fair.

Integrity Riddles 2: The Truth-Teller and the Liar

Riddle: You come to a fork in the road, and there are two individuals standing there. One always tells the truth, and the other always lies. You can ask one question to find out which road leads to your destination. What do you ask?

Answer: You ask either person, “If I were to ask the other person which road leads to my destination, what would they say?” Then, take the opposite road.

Integrity Riddles 3: The Honest Man’s Time

Riddle: There are two clocks, one is 10 minutes fast, and the other is 10 minutes slow. Which one shows the correct time?

Answer: Neither clock shows the correct time, as both are inaccurate. The only correct way to know the time is to adjust them.

Integrity Riddles 4: The Ethical Dilemma

Riddle: You find a wallet with $1000 in it on the street. There’s an ID inside, but no contact information. What do you do?

Answer: The ethical choice is to take the wallet to the nearest lost and found or hand it over to the authorities, ensuring that it gets back to its rightful owner.

Integrity Riddles 5: The Honest Judge

Riddle: A judge is presiding over a case. The accused is guilty, but the judge’s brother is the lawyer representing the defendant. What should the judge do?

Answer: The judge should recuse themselves from the case to maintain fairness and integrity in the judicial process.

Riddle 6: The Honest Conversation

Riddle: You’re in a room with two people. One is your friend, and the other is your enemy. They both want you to choose a side. You know they both have secrets. How do you determine which side to choose?

Answer: You ask each person the same question and see if their answers align. The one whose answer is consistent and truthful is the side you should choose.

Riddle 7: The Faulty Scale

Riddle: You have a scale that measures the weight of objects, but it’s faulty and shows incorrect readings. You can only use it once, and you need to weigh a heavy bag of gold. How do you ensure the bag’s weight is correct?

Answer: You can use another object whose weight you know exactly to calibrate the scale first, then weigh the gold.

Riddle 8: The Crossroad Dilemma

Riddle: You are at a crossroad where two roads lead to two cities. One city has a reputation for honesty, and the other is known for dishonesty. A local tells you, “I’m from the honest city.” How do you know whether to trust them?

Answer: You ask the person, “If I were to ask someone from the dishonest city which way to go, what would they say?” You then take the opposite road.

Riddle 9: The Self-Reflection

Riddle: A man is looking at a picture and says, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. But the father of the man in the picture is my father’s son.” Who is in the picture?

Answer: The man in the picture is the speaker’s son.

Riddle 10: The Honest Witness

Riddle: In a court trial, there are three witnesses. The first witness is honest but forgets the details. The second witness is dishonest but knows the truth. The third witness is neutral but has no clue. Who do you trust?

Answer: You trust the first witness because even though they forget the details, they are honest.

Riddle 11: The Hidden Truth

Riddle: A king orders a banquet where everyone must wear a crown. One of the attendees wears a fake crown, but no one knows except for the king. How does the king handle the situation?

Answer: The king calls for honesty and asks everyone to verify the authenticity of their crowns. He rewards those who are truthful about their crowns.

Riddle 12: The Ethical Choice

Riddle: You’re walking in a forest and find a treasure chest. It’s locked, and there’s a key on the ground nearby. You know that the chest belongs to someone else, but the key is in your hand. What should you do?

Answer: You should leave the chest untouched and report it to the rightful owner or authority.

Riddle 13: The Telling of the Story

Riddle: A storyteller is asked to tell a story with three parts. The first part is true, the second part is false, and the third part is a mix of both. What does the storyteller do?

Answer: The storyteller must blend both truth and fiction in a way that challenges the listener’s perception, teaching them the value of distinguishing between the two.

Riddle 14: The Integrity of a Friend

Riddle: You have a friend who always tells you the truth, but you find a note that contradicts what they said. Do you trust them, or is something wrong?

Answer: Trust your friend’s integrity but seek clarification. There could be a misunderstanding, or the note might have been written under different circumstances.

Riddle 15: The Lost Diamond

Riddle: You find a diamond on the ground, but you know it belongs to someone you dislike. Do you keep it or return it?

Answer: Integrity means returning the diamond, regardless of personal feelings. The diamond belongs to someone else, and honesty is the right course of action.

Riddle 16: The Power of Words

Riddle: A man speaks three words, and those words instantly change the outcome of a situation. What are the words?

Answer: The three words are “I tell the truth.”

Riddle 17: The Paradox of Integrity

Riddle: You have to choose between two paths: one leads to instant gratification, and the other promises long-term happiness. What does integrity tell you to choose?

Answer: Integrity would advise you to choose the path that leads to long-term happiness, as it aligns with your values and commitment to a meaningful life.

Riddle 18: The Ethical Puzzle

Riddle: You’re asked to solve a puzzle that requires you to give a false answer. What do you do?

Answer: You refuse to give a false answer, as integrity demands truthfulness and fairness.

Riddle 19: The Honest Farmer

Riddle: A farmer finds that half of his apples have been eaten, and he knows who the thief is. What should he do?

Answer: The farmer should confront the thief honestly and ask them to return what was taken, or face the consequences of their actions.

Riddle 20: The Silent Witness

Riddle: A witness observes a crime but is afraid to speak up. How does the witness maintain their integrity without breaking the law?

Answer: The witness should report the crime to the authorities in a safe and confidential manner, ensuring the truth is known while protecting their identity.

Riddle 21: The Secret Path

Riddle: You come across a secret path in the woods with a sign that says, “Only those who are true at heart may enter.” How do you know if you can walk down this path?

Answer: You walk down the path, staying true to your values. Integrity means walking with honesty, and if your heart is clear, the path will reveal itself to you.

Riddle 22: The Mysterious Stranger

Riddle: A stranger comes up to you and says, “I know you’ve done something bad in the past, but if you give me $100, I won’t tell anyone.” What should you do?

Answer: Refuse to give the stranger any money and report their threat to the authorities. Integrity means standing firm in your innocence and not giving in to blackmail.

Riddle 23: The Timekeeper’s Dilemma

Riddle: You’re a timekeeper responsible for recording the exact time. One day, the time is incorrectly displayed by 15 minutes, but correcting it could cause a delay. What do you do?

Answer: You correct the time, because integrity demands accuracy, regardless of any inconvenience. Being truthful to your responsibilities is more important than avoiding the delay.

Riddle 24: The Lying Mirror

Riddle: You stand in front of a mirror, but you know that what it reflects is distorted. You have to make a decision based on what you see. How do you handle the situation?

Answer: You rely on your own judgment and experience rather than the mirror’s distortion. Integrity means trusting yourself, even when things seem unclear.

Riddle 25: The Question of Charity

Riddle: You’re given $50 to donate to charity but are told that 10% of the funds will be kept as a “processing fee.” Should you still donate?

Answer: You should donate the full amount as promised, disregarding the “processing fee” or find another charity that will take the entire donation. Integrity means following through on promises.

Riddle 26: The Negotiator’s Challenge

Riddle: You’re negotiating a deal, and the other party offers you a better deal than they promised initially. Do you take advantage of their mistake?

Answer: No, you should honor the original agreement. Integrity is about fairness and keeping promises, not exploiting others’ mistakes.

Riddle 27: The Hidden Treasure

Riddle: You find a treasure chest while hiking, but the chest is locked. You know the key is in the possession of the person who lost it. Do you open the chest anyway?

Answer: No, you wait for the rightful owner to open the chest. Integrity is about respecting ownership and not taking what isn’t yours.

Riddle 28: The Confession

Riddle: You find out that your best friend made a mistake, but confessing would embarrass them. Should you tell the truth?

Answer: Yes, integrity means being truthful, even when it’s uncomfortable. It’s better to help your friend confront the mistake rather than letting it linger.

Riddle 29: The Ethical Dilemma

Riddle: You have two job offers. One job offers more money but requires you to compromise your principles, while the other offers a fair salary with no moral conflict. Which one do you choose?

Answer: You choose the job that aligns with your integrity, even if it means earning less. Staying true to your values is more important than financial gain.

Riddle 30: The Silent Promise

Riddle: You’ve made a promise to someone but later realize it was an impractical promise that you cannot fulfill. What should you do?

Answer: You should communicate openly and honestly, explaining the situation. Integrity means owning up to your promises and being transparent about your limitations.

Riddle 31: The Hidden Fault

Riddle: You notice a small defect in a product you’re selling, but the customer hasn’t spotted it yet. Do you disclose it?

Answer: Yes, you should disclose the defect and offer a solution, as integrity means being honest with customers, even if it means losing the sale.

Riddle 32: The Honest Assistant

Riddle: You are an assistant to a boss who asks you to cover up a mistake they made. What do you do?

Answer: You refuse to cover up the mistake and explain it honestly. Integrity means not compromising your principles, even if it means facing consequences.

Riddle 33: The Unsolicited Advice

Riddle: A friend asks for your opinion on their business idea, but you know it’s a bad idea. Do you tell them the truth or sugarcoat it?

Answer: You should tell them the truth, even if it’s hard. Integrity means being honest, even when the truth may be uncomfortable.

Riddle 34: The Integrity of a Decision

Riddle: You are given an opportunity to cheat on a test, and no one will ever know. Do you take the opportunity?

Answer: No, you choose not to cheat. Integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

Riddle 35: The Grateful Thief

Riddle: A thief breaks into your house and, in the process, leaves you a note saying, “I’m sorry, but I needed this more than you.” What do you do with the note?

Answer: You report the theft to the authorities, and discard the note. Integrity means handling wrongdoings properly, regardless of any apologies.

Riddle 36: The Unseen Choice

Riddle: You’re given a chance to make a small unethical decision that would go unnoticed but would benefit you greatly. Do you take the opportunity?

Answer: No, you choose not to take the opportunity. Integrity means making decisions that align with your moral values, even when there are no immediate consequences.

Riddle 37: The Honorable Act

Riddle: A wealthy individual offers you a large sum of money to do something illegal. Do you accept their offer?

Answer: No, you reject the offer. Integrity means maintaining honesty and following the law, no matter the temptation.

Riddle 38: The Honest Thief

Riddle: A thief steals your wallet, but later returns it with a note apologizing for the theft. How do you respond?

Answer: You appreciate the return of your wallet, but still report the incident to the authorities. Integrity means acknowledging both the wrongdoing and the apology.

Riddle 39: The Favor

Riddle: You’re asked to do a favor for someone, but doing so would put you in a compromising situation. Do you help them?

Answer: You should respectfully decline, explaining why helping would be unethical. Integrity means upholding your values, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Riddle 40: The Guilt-Free Choice

Riddle: You discover a loophole in a contract that would benefit you, but exploiting it would harm others. Do you use the loophole?

Answer: No, you do not exploit the loophole. Integrity means choosing fairness and transparency over personal gain.

Riddle 41: The Lost Wallet

Riddle: You find a wallet with $100 inside but no identification. Do you keep the money or try to find the owner?

Answer: You try to find the owner or turn it in to the authorities. Integrity means doing what is right, even when you can’t be identified for it.

Riddle 42: The Stolen Idea

Riddle: You realize that a colleague is presenting an idea as their own that you suggested earlier. Do you call them out on it?

Answer: Yes, you should speak up and credit your contribution. Integrity means claiming credit for your work and giving others theirs.

Riddle 43: The Flawed Report

Riddle: You’re asked to submit a report that has errors, but fixing them will take too long. Do you submit the report as is?

Answer: No, you fix the errors and submit an accurate report. Integrity means delivering the best, most truthful work possible, no matter the time constraints.

Riddle 44: The Silent Whisper

Riddle: You overhear a rumor about a friend, and someone asks you if it’s true. Do you tell them what you heard?

Answer: No, you refrain from spreading gossip. Integrity means not passing on unverified information and respecting others’ privacy.

Riddle 45: The Misleading Advertisement

Riddle: You’re part of a marketing team, and your company wants to release a misleading advertisement. Do you go along with it?

Answer: No, you voice your concern and suggest a truthful alternative. Integrity means being honest in all aspects, including advertising.

Riddle 46: The Forgotten Promise

Riddle: You promised to help someone move, but something more important comes up. Do you still keep the promise?

Answer: Yes, you honor your commitment, even if it means adjusting your schedule. Integrity means keeping your word, regardless of the situation.

Riddle 47: The Hidden Truth

Riddle: You’re in a situation where telling the truth would hurt someone’s feelings, but it’s the right thing to do. What should you do?

Answer: You should tell the truth with kindness and empathy. Integrity means honesty, but also considering the impact of your words.

Riddle 48: The Borrowed Item

Riddle: A friend lends you something valuable, and you accidentally damage it. Do you tell them the truth?

Answer: Yes, you should tell them what happened and offer to repair or replace the item. Integrity means being responsible for your actions, even when it’s uncomfortable.

Riddle 49: The Unnoticed Mistake

Riddle: You notice a mistake that your colleague made in their work, but they haven’t noticed it. Do you point it out to them?

Answer: Yes, you should kindly inform your colleague of the mistake. Integrity means helping others maintain high standards of work, even when it’s a bit awkward.

Riddle 50: The Free Gift

Riddle: You’re given a free item by a store, but you notice it was accidentally added to your receipt. Do you inform the store?

Answer: Yes, you tell the store about the mistake. Integrity means doing what’s right, even when it’s tempting to take advantage of a mistake.

Riddle 51: The Questionable Referral

Riddle: You’re asked to recommend someone for a job, but you know they are not suitable for the position. Do you give the recommendation?

Answer: No, you give an honest assessment of their abilities. Integrity means providing truthful information, even when it’s not in someone’s favor.

Riddle 52: The Changing Situation

Riddle: Your employer asks you to change your report to make the company look better, even though the numbers are accurate. What should you do?

Answer: You refuse to change the report and explain the importance of transparency. Integrity means standing by the truth, even when there’s pressure to do otherwise.

Riddle 53: The Favor with a Catch

Riddle: A friend asks you for a favor, but you know they will use it for their own benefit, even if it hurts someone else. Do you agree to help?

Answer: No, you decline the favor. Integrity means not supporting actions that could harm others, even if it benefits your friend.

Riddle 54: The Last-Minute Edit

Riddle: You’ve written a report and your boss asks you to change the numbers to reflect better results than what was actually achieved. Do you make the change?

Answer: No, you submit the report with the actual data. Integrity means being truthful, even when the results aren’t as favorable as hoped.

Riddle 55: The Hidden Gift

Riddle: You receive a gift from a friend, but later you find out they’ve been dishonest with you. Do you return the gift?

Answer: You keep the gift, but you address the dishonesty. Integrity means confronting the issue directly, without ignoring it or holding grudges unnecessarily.

Riddle 56: The Last-Minute Deal

Riddle: You have an opportunity to make a deal, but the terms are a little shady. You could still make a profit. Do you go for it?

Answer: No, you turn down the deal. Integrity means not compromising your principles, even for profit.

Riddle 57: The Refused Discount

Riddle: A cashier accidentally gives you a bigger discount than you’re supposed to receive. Do you inform them?

Answer: Yes, you inform the cashier of the mistake. Integrity means being honest about such situations, even when you would benefit from the error.

Riddle 58: The Flattering Lie

Riddle: Someone asks you if their new haircut looks good, but you don’t think it does. Do you lie to spare their feelings?

Answer: You give an honest but tactful answer. Integrity means being truthful, but also kind in your delivery.

Riddle 59: The Problematic Test Answer

Riddle: You see the answer key to a test before the exam. Do you use it?

Answer: No, you don’t use the answer key. Integrity means doing your own work, without cheating, regardless of the opportunity.

Riddle 60: The Unasked Help

Riddle: A colleague asks you for help, but you know they’re not being honest about their ability to do the work. Do you help them?

Answer: You provide help but also suggest they learn the skills needed for future tasks. Integrity means being supportive while encouraging personal growth.

Riddle 61: The Honest Contractor

Riddle: You hire a contractor to renovate your house, and after the work is done, you notice several shortcuts were taken to save costs. Do you confront the contractor?

Answer: Yes, you address the issue and expect them to fix the work. Integrity means holding others accountable, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Riddle 62: The Forgotten Deadline

Riddle: You miss an important deadline at work, but no one else knows about it. Do you keep quiet and hope no one notices?

Answer: No, you admit the mistake and take responsibility. Integrity means being accountable, even when no one is watching.

Riddle 63: The Digital Copy

Riddle: You find a way to download a movie or music without paying for it. Do you take the illegal copy?

Answer: No, you pay for the content as intended. Integrity means respecting intellectual property and following the law.

Riddle 64: The Family Secret

Riddle: You overhear a family member telling a lie to protect another family member. Do you intervene or stay quiet?

Answer: You gently suggest the importance of truth, while understanding their intent. Integrity means balancing honesty with empathy.

Riddle 65: The Abandoned Pet

Riddle: You see a stray animal on the street with no collar or ID. Do you take the pet in or walk away?

Answer: You take the pet in and try to find its owner. Integrity means showing compassion to others, even animals, and acting with care.

Riddle 66: The Tempting Discount

Riddle: You’re in a store and realize that you’ve been given a discount that you didn’t qualify for. Do you correct them?

Answer: Yes, you inform the cashier of the mistake. Integrity means doing what’s right, even when it’s to your disadvantage.

Riddle 67: The Friend’s Secret

Riddle: Your friend tells you a secret that they trust you with, but you know it could be important to others. Do you share it?

Answer: No, you respect their trust and keep it confidential. Integrity means respecting others’ privacy, even when it’s hard.

Riddle 68: The Unseen Favor

Riddle: You see someone struggling with a task, but they never asked for help. Do you offer your assistance?

Answer: Yes, you offer help without waiting to be asked. Integrity means going the extra mile to be kind and supportive.

Riddle 69: The Boss’s Request

Riddle: Your boss asks you to do something unethical to benefit the company. Do you comply?

Answer: No, you respectfully decline and explain why it’s not the right course of action. Integrity means standing firm in your principles, even in tough situations.

Riddle 70: The Honest Friend

Riddle: Your friend confides in you about something embarrassing. Do you promise to keep it a secret?

Answer: Yes, you keep their trust and do not share their story. Integrity means being trustworthy and supportive in sensitive matters.

Riddle 71: The Unethical Sale

Riddle: You come across a great deal for a product, but the store is mislabeling it to make a profit. Do you take advantage of the sale?

Answer: No, you report the situation to the store management. Integrity means not taking advantage of dishonest practices, even if they benefit you.

Riddle 72: The Timely Response

Riddle: You receive a message or email from someone, and your response could be delayed without consequences. Do you respond immediately or put it off?

Answer: You respond promptly, showing respect for the other person’s time. Integrity means being responsible and timely in your communication.

Riddle 73: The Missed Opportunity

Riddle: You were offered a job opportunity that could advance your career, but the company has unethical practices. Do you accept the job?

Answer: No, you decline the offer. Integrity means choosing to work with companies and people who align with your values.

Riddle 74: The Hidden Expense

Riddle: You realize a bill was charged with an extra service you didn’t use. Do you let it slide or dispute it?

Answer: You dispute the charge and ensure the bill is corrected. Integrity means being honest and ensuring others are honest with you.

Riddle 75: The Classmate’s Paper

Riddle: A classmate asks to copy your homework because they didn’t complete it. Do you let them?

Answer: No, you encourage them to do their own work and offer assistance if needed. Integrity means valuing hard work and honesty, both in yourself and others.

Riddle 76: The Temporary Advantage

Riddle: You’re offered a temporary advantage in a competitive setting by bending the rules. Do you take it?

Answer: No, you choose to compete fairly. Integrity means winning based on your true abilities and not shortcuts.

Riddle 77: The Friend’s Deception

Riddle: A friend tries to deceive someone you know for personal gain. Do you confront your friend?

Answer: Yes, you speak up and encourage your friend to reconsider their actions. Integrity means standing up against deceit, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Riddle 78: The Mistaken Payment

Riddle: You’re given too much change in a store. Do you keep the extra money or return it?

Answer: You return the extra money to the cashier. Integrity means ensuring fairness and honesty in every transaction, no matter how small.

Riddle 79: The Opportunity to Cheat

Riddle: You’re taking a test, and you notice a way to cheat without getting caught. Do you do it?

Answer: No, you choose to complete the test honestly. Integrity means valuing fairness and doing what’s right, even in challenging situations.

Riddle 80: The Unacknowledged Credit

Riddle: Your boss praises a team effort, but you did the majority of the work. Do you speak up or stay quiet?

Answer: You speak up and acknowledge everyone’s contribution. Integrity means recognizing everyone’s hard work, including your own.

Riddle 81: The Job Offer

Riddle: You’re offered a job, but the position would involve bending the truth to attract customers. Do you accept?

Answer: No, you reject the offer. Integrity means choosing a job that aligns with your values and ethical standards.

Riddle 82: The Mistaken Credit

Riddle: You’re in a meeting where your idea is presented by someone else. Do you speak up or let it go?

Answer: You speak up and ensure your idea is credited to you. Integrity means taking ownership of your contributions.

Riddle 83: The Subtle Lie

Riddle: You’re asked about something you don’t know, and you’re tempted to make up an answer to avoid embarrassment. Do you lie?

Answer: No, you admit that you don’t know the answer and offer to find out. Integrity means being honest about what you know and don’t know.

Riddle 84: The Unfair Advantage

Riddle: You find out that your friend is getting an unfair advantage in a competition. Do you report it?

Answer: Yes, you report the unfair advantage. Integrity means ensuring that everyone competes on equal terms.

Riddle 85: The Favor with Strings Attached

Riddle: A friend asks for a favor, but they have hidden expectations. Do you agree to help them?

Answer: You do the favor but set clear boundaries and expectations. Integrity means being transparent in your actions and relationships.

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